Fire Signage
Every exit must be visible, or the path to it conspicuously identified in such a manner that every occupant of the building will know the best way to get out of the building in a fire or other emergency. Exits must never be obstructed. Any door or passageway that is not an exit or path to an exit must be identified with a sign that reads ‘Not An Exit’ or a sign that indicates its actual use, such as storage. All exit signs must either be self-illuminating or illuminated by a reliable external light source.
Safe and Sound Fire Ltd provides a range of signs which satisfy the requirements of all the current regulations. These include advisory and mandatory signs for all situations and locations and are available in a variety of materials. In an emergency, employees and visitors must be able to identify the nearest escape route quickly, and staff must also be able to immediately find the correct fire fighting equipment, even in total darkness. It is therefore crucial that fire fighting equipment, escape routes and any obstacles along these routes are highlighted with ‘glow in the dark’ fire safety signs. All premises that are required to undertake a Health and Safety Risk Assessment must have identifiable escape routes and emergency signage displayed in a prominent position.